• Provide an introduction for curriculum goals in a variety of subjects.

  • Teach skills in geometry and math.

  • Encourage team work, confidence and raise self-esteem.

  • Develop artistic and creative design skills

  • Promote invention of games in and out of school.

  • Encourage game playing and positive social interaction


The dice are divided into 5 levels of increasing complexity.

1) Cube , Tetrahedron , Octahedron , Icosahedron (Platonic Solids)

2) Pentagonal Prism, Decahedron, Chestahedron, Dodecahedron (Stars and Triangles)

3) Rhombicubooctahedron, Truncated Icosahedron, Truncated Cuboctahedron,Inverted Dodecahedron. (Archemedian solids and Inversion)

4) Great Icosahedron, Great Dodecahedron, Small Stellated Dodecahedron, Great Stellated Dodecahedron. ( Kepler – Poinsot solids)

5) Shinsei Miracle, Sensory and Magic Cubes, Nesting Platonic Solids

Competition can be encouraged between groups in the following possible categories:  best overall dice , best teamwork , most artistic , best structure, best design  and  best additional features.


The meaning of the a dice is given by its design. We encourage that the students have freedom to choose their own designs and define their meanings.

The most traditional design for dice are numbers 1-6 for a cube 1-4 for a tetrahedron .Other alternative number dice are 1-8, 1-10 ,1-20 and even 1-100. Alternative designs which could be used are different number schemes (Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Mayan), math symbols, pictures for storytelling, letters, words, games, dance moves, dinosaurs, sports or any non-offensive image.